Medicine +10 (+20 w/Comprehension) (temporarily)Ĭritical chance +5% (+10% w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) Melee Weapons +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) Science +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily)īarter +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) Guns +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily)Įxplosives +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) Speech +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) Lockpick +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) Sneak +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) Survival +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) Repair +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension)(temporarily)Įnergy Weapons +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) Unarmed +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily)
Additional copies can be obtained from various vendors, magazine vending machines on the Strip, or crafted using the Voracious Reader perk. Skill magazines are a relatively commonplace item, with 213 items pre-placed in the base game.
Their effectiveness can be modified with two perks: The bonuses do not stack using the same magazine multiple times will not increase the bonus. Using a magazine provides a 10 point bonus to its corresponding skill for 60 seconds (1 minute). Unlike skill books, magazines are a consumable item designed to temporarily boost a skill.